View waiting times
Select a health board, appointment type, and department. If you’re on a waiting list, you should be able to find this information on your letter from your health board.
Ongoing waits
We cannot show any data for this speciality for the latest period.
This may be because the data has not been recorded.
We do not include statistics if there were fewer than 20 patient attendances during the latest period. This is to:
- reduce the risk of revealing information about individual patients
- make sure the number of cases is high enough to provide meaningful statistics
Ongoing waits
We cannot show any data for this speciality for the latest period.
This may be because the data has not been recorded.
We do not include statistics if there were fewer than 20 patient attendances during the latest period. This is to:
- reduce the risk of revealing information about individual patients
- make sure the number of cases is high enough to provide meaningful statistics
Completed waits
We cannot show any data for this speciality for the latest period.
This may be because the data has not been recorded.
We do not include statistics if there were fewer than 20 patient attendances during the latest period. This is to:
- reduce the risk of revealing information about individual patients
- make sure the number of cases is high enough to provide meaningful statistics
Completed waits
We cannot show completed ophthalmology treatment waiting times for NHS Ayrshire and Arran. This health board offers a one-stop pathway for cataract surgery. That means ophthalmology waiting times are measured differently from most other health boards.
Completed waits
We cannot show any data for this speciality for the latest period.
This may be because the data has not been recorded.
We do not include statistics if there were fewer than 20 patient attendances during the latest period. This is to:
- reduce the risk of revealing information about individual patients
- make sure the number of cases is high enough to provide meaningful statistics